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Beekeeping 101
in Environmental Science
Intro to Beekeeping 101
with Jim Watt

This eight-week hybrid course, Introduction to Beekeeping: Theory and Practice," offers an accessible, hands-on approach to the fundamentals of beekeeping. Designed for beginners and hobbyists with little or no prior experience, the course covers essential topics including bee biology, hive management, pest and disease control, honey harvesting, and sustainable practices. Instruction is delivered through self-directed online sessions via Canvas, paired with two immersive Saturday field trips at local apiaries where student will engage in practical beekeeping techniques.
- Duration: 8 weeks, April 1-May 23, 2025
- Online Sessions: 2 sessions per week (1 hour each) via Canvas
- Field Trips: 2 Saturday sessions at different apiaries, April 19 and May 3 from 2:00-5:00pm (peak bee activity time)
- Total Contact Hours: Approximately 22 hours
Required Materials & Resources:
- Textbook: The Beekeeper's Handbook by Diana Sammataro and Alphonse Avitabile ($24 on Amazon)
- Basic supplies: a notebook, writing utensils, and a computer with internet access
- Additional digital resources and worksheets will be provided on Canvas
- Optional: Access to personal beekeeping equipment for practical assignments, if available.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, students will:
- Identify and describe the key beekeeping equipment and their functions.
- Explain the biology and behavior of honeybees, incuding the roles of queens, workers, drones, and how these contribute to colony health.
- Design and plan an apiary layout by evaluating site selection factors and setting up basic hive structures.
- Conduct basic hive inspections to recognize signs of colony health, common pests and diseases, and implement appropriate management strategies.
- Understand the honey production process and sustainable beekeeping practices that support environmental health.
This is a hybrid course that leverages the Canvas learning management system for online, self-directed didactic instruction and moderated discussion, combined with face-to-face, instructor-led field trips. The online component features interactive lectures, guided readings, and reflective assignements, while the field trips provide direct, practical experience in real-word apiary settings.
Class Size:
Maximum enrollment is 9 students to ensure quality interaction and personalized attention, particularly during the field trips.